What is the default minimum payment? AKA “threshold”
The threshold for each entity is 500 EUR (€), which equals 500 EUR commission.
The threshold for each entity is 500 EUR (€), which equals 500 EUR commission.
All entities have the same billing rules above all. Therefore they apply individually and may differ between entities and individual partners.
E.g. Due to the number of leads delivered per month, partner “A” might have weekly payouts in entity Europe and monthly payout in entity Brazil.
More information here
Here you have the entire list:
Asia Pacific: Australia AU, New-Zealand NZ, Singapore SG, Malaysia MY, Indonesia ID,
Philippines PH, Taiwan TW, Hong-Kong HK, Thailand TH, and South Africa ZA
Europe: Germany DE, Italy IT, France FR, Spain ES, United-Kingdom UK, Poland PL, Sweden SE, Finland FI, Belgium BE, Portugal PT
Big Bang Ads needs 72 hours maximum to process and approve sign-up requests.
You need to have only one Big Bang Ads account, approved for each entity before you can promote its offers. You get your account approval for each entity by getting in touch with our business development: request@big-bang-ads.com
Big Bang Ads calls “entity” every group of Geos under the same billing rules, so our accountancy consists of three entities: “AP – Asia Pacific”, “EU – Europe”.
We mark offers on the Big Bang Ads according to the belonging division:
Check here billing details: https://www.big-bang-ads.com/billing/